
Feb 24, 2007

What is Domaining?

Author: Dr. Domaining

Domaining is the business and/or hobby of buying, selling and developing domain names. The people that partake in domaining are known as domainers. Many domainers are very wealthy. Some even make tens of millions of dollars per year with their domain names. It is a very fun and exciting business and/or hobby to be involved in. You just register domains or purchase them in the domain name aftermarket, which is thriving at the time of this writing. Domain names are selling for millions upon millions of dollars.

Anybody can do it, it doesn't matter what your background is or where you are from, domaining is something that anybody can be involved in. The only thing that you really need is an Internet connection and a tiny bit of cash to get started. Since you are reading this article you obviously have the Internet connection, so what are you waiting for? Get out there and get started domaining today. You won't regret it. I promise you that.

I would recommend becoming a little bit familiar with how domaining works before getting too crazy. is an incredible source for domainers looking for information on domaining. It is updated daily and is full of reported domain name sales, domaining news, tips and articles to help you make money domaining. It really is a great source and even has regular interviews with all of the biggest and best domainers and domaining related companies. So much great domaining knowledge is shared in these pieces. It really is recommended that you read them before getting started domaining. You will also want to sign-up for the free domaining newsletter at It will put you on the fast track to domaining success.

Another thing that you will probably want to do is go ahead and get yourself the best domaining software available to the public at the time of this writing. One thing that you will realize once you have success domaining is that it is more of a science than a lottery, like some people think. The software is available at and is simply amazing. It is truly an unbelievable piece of software that does everything you will need to get started making good money domaining. It can perform scans for you that are absolute necessary if you are going to be a successful domainer that would take you a month to do by hand and it does them in minutes. Not to mention, that it also manages all of your domains for you regardless of what registrar they are at. You don't want to lose track of them. I can tell you that much and I haven't even gotten to the tip of the iceberg. You will really have to go to and read all of the details for yourself. They will really boggle your mind. The creator is a domaining and software genius by the name of Luc Lezon and he has been interviewed at He is a really great guy that knows software and domaining extremely well.

Well, now that you know what domaining is, you can get started today. Who knows, maybe you will be the next domainer that sells their domain name for over ten million dollars. What would you do with ten million dollars? Put it back into domaining? Buy a deserted island and retire? In the end that is up to you.

Good luck and happy domaining!
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