
Feb 24, 2007

A Quick Tip On Finding Buyers For Your Domain Names

Author: Edwin John

If you're convinced you have the best domain names, you may just be right!

Many small and medium sized businesses online, have poor and difficult sounding names.

If you could show them a better domain name and how they might profit from it, who knows, they may be very interested to acquire it for their business.

The key is to look for domain names that are similiar and/or inferior to yours.

Here's one way you might go about looking for potential prospects.

Use the search tool at

Say, if you owned, just type in musicland in the search box. (also try, music-land, with the hyphen).

This will show you a list of domains that are similiar to yours. You might see a, or a All these are generally inferior to yours.

Click on the domains and see which ones have active websites. Don't spam every domain you come across! You want to limit your interest to those which actually have a proper commercial website. Forget about the inactive sites or those that are parked or those that look like personal home pages.

Lookup the WHOIS info for the owner's contact. The one you want is the registrant/administrative contact.

Compose a proper email regarding your business proposal. If possible, use the owner's name in your email. If you don't want to look like a spammer, don't use free mail like Yahoo or Hotmail. And make sure you include your full name & telephone number

Here is a sample email you can modify and use.

Dear (name),

I am selling the rights to my domain name - (
and am contacting a few companies that I think may be
able to use this web name successfully.

You can use this domain name in your operation as it has
good potential to increase traffic and business to your site.

Please contact me at your convenience if you are
interested in this domain name.

Thank you for your time.

(your name)
(your email add)

It might be a good idea to also state what's so great about your domain.
Does it have good page rank? Search engine listings? Link popularity?
And what all these could mean to the prospect. More customers? Better search engine positions for their keyword?

So there you are.

All this will take time, effort and plenty of patience.

But if you are at the right place at the right time with the right domain, you'll be pocketing some nice cash.

All the best!

You can learn more ways to find buyers for your domain
names at
Edwin John is the creator of the "How I Sell My Domain Names:
A Weekend Crash Course" information package.
This article is free for republishing


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