
Feb 19, 2007

Why It Is Important To Renew A Domain Name

Author: Steve Hill

I have had a big interest with all things to do with the internet for about eight years now. I regularly communicate with a large amount of people about subjects such as web marketing and web promotion. In this article I am going to write about why it is important to always renew a domain name.

I have around sixty websites of which I would say that I have four that are my main sites. Twenty of these sites are just there, no one ever visits them and they make no money at all, year in year out. Why therefore do I keep renewing the domains on these sites? The age of a domain is very important, a site which has been around for lets say eight years is in the eyes of the major search engines likely to be around for another eight years. The reason I have no traffic on these sites is because I have not had time as yet to promote them.

Any new site is treated with quite a lot of caution by these major search engines as so may sites do not have their domain name renewed after the first year. You may have heard of the sandbox, do you really blame the search engines for implementing such a thing when there are so many internet criminals who are out to con them and to make a quick buck.

Webmasters who are in it in the long term do not really care or worry about the sandbox and actually love the concept, anything to put a stop to these fly by nights is a good thing.

I will soon get around to re-designing all of these older sites and will then of course start marketing and promoting them. I do not need to buy any new domains, I have enough already. In ten years time I believe I will have the same number of sites as I do currently, sites which will then be at least fifteen years of age.

Stephen Hill helps to promote a number of websites including:

stammering treatment

stuttering therapy

stuttering help
This article is free for republishing
Occupation: Speech Coach
Stephen Hill runs The How To Stop Stammering Centre to help people who stutter to achieve fluency


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